
To co-operate the implementation of government administrative guidance.

  • JSK aims for the orderly implementation of government administrative guidance to the industry, maintaining tight communication with the administrative bureau as well as related industrial associations.

To provide various information on industrial saw blades and knives.

  • Research and distribution of information and data, along the requirement, shall be conducted.
  • Data base of production, sales, labour management (working hours, pay raise, bonus) and others of the industry shall be periodically renewed.

To provide guidance to government administrative special measure for tax saving, and various encountering measures to the economy fluctuation.

  • JSK provide the guidance for the appropriate application manner to various administrative supports, including low cost financing and subsidy etc.

Research for the better global environment.

  • JSK seek for the field among ÒFor the better global environmentÓ activities, where members may be able to participate.
  • The activities being discussed or carried out, category by category, such as air, water, industrial waste, and tropical rain forest etc. throughout the world, shall be researched and such information shall be distributed.

To follow up the Product Liability Law.

  • Product Liability Law has been implemented since 1st July 1995 in Japan.
  • JSK is offering ÒThe guidance for Manual of the product, and Warning DescriptionÓ for the appropriate and complete implementation.
  • JSK arrange Òthe group application of Product Liability InsuranceÓ with economical rate than individual application.

Standardisation and technical innovation of the industry

  • JSK provide the information on newly developed high technology, while, standardisation of products is promoted.
  • JSK promote match making of co-development for the new high technological approach to the industry.
  • JSK organise the various tour to deepen the understanding of such newly developed materials and high technology.
  • JSK promote to obtain the award of ISO 9000 series as quality assurance program, to reinforce international competitiveness.

Participation to the exhibition

  • JSK promote to participate the exhibition even internationally.
  • JSK organise the tour to such exhibition in overseas to update global view.

Award to the contributed persons for the development of industry

  • JSK issue the recommendation of government award to Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
  • JSK grant "Association Award" to the recommended excellent worker and employee, beside government award,.

JSK magazine "Saw Blades & Knives"

  • "Saw Blades & Knives" has been periodically issued and distributed to the members as well as their agents, related industrial associations, government administrative bureau, and to the public, since 1990.

JSK seal

  • JSK seal is produced and distributed to the members to stick to their product to appeal as registered members' product.